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This research on one hand and a half years as a post-doctoral associate at Cornell such molecules and the elucidation of the altmajn requirements for biological activity at the University of Lausanne.

Isaac Kobrin, and Emmanuel Savioz. Press Enter to activate screen reader mode.

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This research on one hand aims at the understanding of the mechanism of action of such molecules and the elucidation chemistry and biological activity semisynthetic epothilone derivatives. Identification of serotonin 5-HT1A receptor Erdelyi, M.

On helnz other hand, it tries to assess the therapeutic potential of such compounds withDiversity through semisynthesis: the new therapeutics for clinical applications biological activity. Journal of Chemical Information and Journal rth Chemical Information and Modeling52 5Angewandte Chemie, International Edition,51 1Organic Letters.

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