Bill gates own bitcoin

bill gates own bitcoin

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Don't miss: Here's what can billionaire could rebuild their entire hustle that costs nothing. Power Players Mark Cuban: No a year from 2-minute side a fraction of a bitcoin.

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Bill Gates says crypto and NFTs are 100% based on 'Greater Fool theory'
According to a CNN report at the time, Gates was quoted as saying that cryptos and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were �% based on greater fool. In a interview with Bloomberg, Gates said that it was one thing for Elon Musk and Tesla to invest in bitcoin, but that doesn't mean average. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates in a recent 'Ask Me Anything' exchange on Reddit revealed he had not distributed some of his wealth into.
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The value of your investments may go up or down. Additionally, he also warned those who are interested in investing in crypto to be utterly careful when investing in BTC as they could suffer severe financial losses. Yes, Continue. Looks like you have exceeded the limit to bookmark the image.